it's been quite awhile hasn't it. i feel like i have quite alot to say but i dont quite know where to start. hmmm. i wish i hope i know i want. and i have. sometimes you get revelations like that and :) yay okay now i can sleep. goodnight sleeptight and dont let the bedbugs bite!
Posted by at 12:30:00 AM
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
sometimes all you need is someone to listen and somewhere to cry. it's unexplainable like one moment you feel so troubled and worried and stressed and then after letting it all out, you feel like the weight has been lifted off and hey bright sunny days again :)
Posted by at 12:04:00 AM
Monday, September 06, 2010
I need someone to talk to. now :'(
Posted by at 5:47:00 AM
hi, i just wanted to say there should be nicer people around. like today. when i was stuck at the stupid carpark exit and the stupid barrier wouldnt open and the stupid person stationed at the intercom was retarded and the stupid cars at the back were horning, okay it was one car who horned once but still its not my fault the barrier never open right! anyway, the car behind me, the guy came out and asked if i needed help (cos i was stuck for more than 5minutes) and he was so nice about it even after having to wait so long. i mean i know cos if it was me stuck behind a car that couldnt exit i'd be so irritated and angry lah and would most definitely not be nice. but thats not the point lah. so anyway he was really really nice. and its not that i am a girl and he is a guy so he was nice. or that he was an old gross uncle so he was creepily nice. cos he was young and he had a wife and a child in the car. so he was genuinely nice. anyway i said i was so sorry that i was stuck and he helped me to keep pressing the intercom cos the intercom man disappeared to i dont know where lah. but anyway when the intercom man finally decided to answer his stupid intercom again to let me out, the nice man said that things like that ("no entry record" for the stupid cashcard IU) happen and that it happened to him before and the intercom man just needed to know what time i entered. see such a nice person right? :) when you meet nice people who are happily married and genuinely nice. you understand why they are married and you imagine that their wives are damn pretty and their kids are those really cute and smiley kids cos i dont know, cos they are so nice and you just imagine their lives to be so.
Posted by at 12:22:00 AM
don't tell me you miss me if you obviously don't mean it. i've had enough of listening to words that don't mean anything coming out from your mouth. and i've had enough of believing your lies covered up with another big fat lie: that you were not lying to begin with.